Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feb. 10th Mentor Meeting

This week we focused on the NSF proposal. After our non mentor meeting, we sent our draft to Dr. Shah, which he edited and talked about at our mentor meeting. We still had to add the figures and some of the references. Dr. Shah stressed that the first two pages were essential in establishing what the project was about and why it is important. Therefore, we had to cut out most of the background part, and focus more on the scientific and societal significance. Then, we decided how we were going to go about editing the paper. We decided that we would edit in teams at different times, so each team would only have to look at one set of edits, instead of one person trying to compile four sets. The proposal must be submitted by Tuesday morning, so we planned to have it edited by the end of this weekend. After discussing the proposal, we took some time to talk about the overall structure for this semester. Every subgroup will update their progress weekly on the blog, even if they do not have anything substantial to report. Also, we have some icebox experiments scheduled to be done next week, and we are trying to update our literature review, as some articles on vaccine refrigeration have come out in the past few months. Next week is our meeting with Dr. Wallace and Dr. Thomas, so are going to spend some time next week preparing for that at our non mentor meeting.

Ravi Vaswani

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