Thursday, April 21, 2011

Meeting 4/21/11

3:45 review over conference call with our source in india, Justin Yarrow he gave us several important papers to look at. Additionally it was revealed that one of the biggest problems with the cold chain studies now and decisions made about the cold chain indicate that there is very little data out there. And the existing data may or may not be generalizable as we’d like. Furthermore is was discovered that the exact effect of freezing isn’t really known. He mentioned that no one does shake test. A study is currently being done with a temperature measurement of lots of vaccines within the system.

Recommended changes. Reusable materials. Look into leaving stuff out, as people don’t actually leave stuff out.

3:55 Discussion of what Dr. Gabino, She didn’t think immediate implementation is feasible. Need to look at our solution as more of a long term system. Suggested green insulation. She said that it would be really nice for us to talk about how sturdy our system is, just throwing boxes around. Her experience in the field indicates this is a highly relevant test. She may have offered her facilities to test stuff in her facilities. Can we ask her for more information about what she does?

4:00 Two guests at our meeting!! Dr. Wallace and Rebbeca Thomas from the gemstone main office. Updating them on our progress as a team. We informed them of our recent work with the new people we have met. Dr. Gabino and Dr. Yarrow from the conference and blogs respectively. How we talked with him and her about what they have done.

Our team right now is putting a lot of focus on the theoretical modeling. I.e. our goal will be to really nail this down while getting assistance with the prototype building occurring simultaneously. How we will take the prototype and use the PQS tests to make sure the system works.

We explained how our system will be using the theoretical model that is COMSOL with an added program for PCM b/c phase change isn’t supported.

We were asked how we feel about our progress as a whole towards our goal. We feel that we have a lot of feedback and are ready to keep going and improve how everything is working.

Discussion of our new plan for experimentation. (were a little behind our plan) Goal is to build a practice system before semester ends. After that is to design a system using the COMSOL model and construct the final over the summer. Break at 4:25

4:30 Talk about the points brought up by Rebecca Thomas and dr. Wallace. It may be key to discuss availability over the summer. Talk about how far we want to progress before we graduate.

4:35 Use of biodegradable materials, there are some out there.

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