Monday, March 14, 2011

March 10th Mentor Meeting

We used our March 10th mentor meeting to bring the team update on goals for the rest of the semester. We got updates from the Gemstone staff from our team liaison mainly regarding Undergraduate Research Day and the new location in the colony ballroom. The team also filled out a Gemstone program and mentor survey. Afterwards, we developed a new list of goals and due dates according to subgroup. The Marketing subgroup hopes to get at least 2 sections of the marketing plan drafted each week with an entire marketing plan draft complete by the end of the semester. The PCM subgroup plans to acquire and test AcuTemp and to complete testing of the Greenbox by the end of the month. PCM also hopes to have 2 new PCMs tested by the end of the semester. The Finite Elements subgroup is gradually working towards matching the theoretical models with results from the ice box experiments. They hope to develop a working 3D model of our box with ice and PCM as well as another model 3D model with ice and insulation by the end of the month. Initial comparisons between the models and ice box experiments are scheduled to be completed by the beginning of April while all modeling and ice box experiments comparisons are scheduled to be completed by the end of the semester. The construction team hopes to have materials ordered by the 15th of March with the prototype sized by the 17th. Brainstorming and research into the fabrication process of the prototype should be completed by the end of March and all relevant materials are scheduled to be assembled by the end of the semester. Finally, the Experimental Physical Testing subgroup plans to have all experiments proposed within the NSF proposal completed by the end of the semester while the Proposal subgroup is working on getting chapters 1 through 3 of our Gemstone thesis completed. The schedule is ambitious but the team is doing great at following it so far!


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