Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 29th Non-Mentor Meeting

After a nice long spring break, everyone is back and ready to go! At our non-mentor meeting on Tuesday, we covered meeting times for next semester (it seems like most of our time is spent discussing when to meet!) and went over our thesis parts. The thesis sections are coming together nicely and it is a huge relief to have part of it done (only 136,234 pages to go!).

We also discussed WHO standards for vaccine carriers. WHO dictates that how large ice packs need to be in cold boxes, but since we're not using ice packs we hope that we can get permission to bypass that standard.

Young put in the order for probes and we calculated that we are just within our budget for this semester. We still need to register for Unite for Sight and prepare our presentation for the conference. After discussing these topics, we broke into sub-teams and worked on our goals.

28 days to Undergraduate Research Day and counting,

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