Sunday, May 1, 2011

Minutes - Mentor Meeting 4/28

Hey guys,

Here's the minutes from our mentor meeting on 4/28/11.

Undergraduate Research Day:
Success! Thanks to all the team members who volunteered and made everything go smoothly.

The editing team for the first three chapters of our Thesis completed their revisions. There are currently 5 objectives listed in our thesis (1 - is the concept paper; 2 - Characterize PCM...5- Marketing Plan). All of the edits can be noticed on the google doc (Sorry for the lack of details here...Matt talks extremely fast and I couldn't keep up with him).
This is a very rough draft of our thesis and still needs editing from our other editing teams. Also, the next team should take the paper out of a google doc and put it into a word document.

The main update is that all of the supplies have been purchased and construction will commence at Andrew's apartment this week.

The team social was on 4/30 at Ledo's (already happened because I'm late on this post. But it was a really fun time).

Looking forward to next semester, we really need to focus on our thesis and our prototype. The full thesis is due by the end of next semester (150 pages!!) By that time, we hope to talk to all external experts and invite them to our thesis defense in Spring 2012.

As far as team feedback from Dr. Shah goes, he generally said we're pretty awesome.


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